Script to Screen is delighted to announce the participants selected for Strength in Numbers 2024/2025.

Over a series of workshops run by Script to Screen and led by David Court, Strength in Numbers participants are given the time and tools they need to make strategic and sustainable choices for their creative enterprises. This is a unique opportunity for screen industry businesses to work together on the building blocks of business models that will sustain their future and, ultimately, shape the industry.

The Strength in Numbers programme was developed to benefit the participants and their businesses, as well as to help foster talent and facilitate economic growth throughout Aotearoa. This year, of the 9 screen businesses selected, participants come from Northland, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Wellington, Nelson, and Southland.

Strength in Numbers is made possible thanks to financial support from the New Zealand Film Commission and with special thanks to the regional film offices covering travel costs.

Congratulations to the participants and their businesses selected for Strength in Numbers 2024/2025:


Strength in Numbers is a Script to Screen initiative run in partnership with Compton School.







Q. What are some of the topics that Strength in Numbers will cover?

Curriculum: How to build a business 

Q. Is there funding to support travel for the in-person hubs? 

There is funding available to support travel to the hubs in Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland.
Accommodation will also be provided for those travelling from outside regions.  

Q. Can more than one person from your business attend?
(We have 3x producers in our screen business and think this would be a fabulous opportunity for us all to be involved in.)

In fairness to all applicants we encourage the business to send in an application for one person. That person can then take the message home and work offline with their partners to develop the answers to the questions that are posed in the workshops. 

** Please see the question below for more information 

Q. What if your business is a partnership with 2 equal directors? (For a director to make strategic decisions in the moment would be against the value system of a business with 2 equal directors.)  

You won’t be making decisions in the moment. We’re really framing questions and helping you work towards your own solutions. You will take these questions back to consult with people; stakeholders not just partners, but maybe life partners or, sometimes even employees or an investor if you have one, you know, there’ll be lots of people who need to be brought into the discussion. 

**Additional information that was not part of the webinar:
Applications for businesses with multiple partners to attend will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  With limited places available, we would like to benefit as many businesses as possible.

Q. What are you are looking for in an applicant?

Q. A lot of film and TV business seem to get off the ground from either a commercial or critical success – for producers with funded projects and future ambitions but without a current regular cashflow is the course appropriate?

If you’ve had success with your business – this is a great stage to be in as it creates momentum to pick up more projects. 
The course is appropriate if you are ready to engage with the business questions, they matter to you enough and you see them as a serious set of questions to engage with. 

You have the ambition to build something. 

Q. Will there be any focus on obtaining funding for films, getting sponsorship for films and/or marketing films?

No. Strength in Numbers is about the business that sits beneath the projects. 

We are interested in the choices you’re making about what to make and how you’re making choices. Fundamentally, we’re interested in the day-to-day platform, the place where you conduct the making of the films. 

Q. In the overview it says “Ideal applicants will have a screen industry business (at least three years old) with a slate of projects” Is it possible for people who have had experience running previous screen businesses to apply with a new venture in mind, something that is just forming / brand new?

There is a little bit of ambiguity in that three year specification. We are looking for people with some experience in business, this can’t be your first (brand new) business venture. We’re looking for people who’ve got at least some experience under their belt.  

If your purpose is to come here and think about a new business altogether, then that’s absolutely in frame.  

Q. Will you be going over things like chain of title and contracts? 

The focus of Strength in Numbers is on the underlying business, not on the projects. Chain of title, production contracts and similar contracts will not be covered. Contracts relating to the underlying business may be addressed during the programme, depending on the needs of the group as a whole.  

Q. Is there a possibility that you would suggest someone apply for Rainmakers or Strength in Numbers based on their application if they applied for one and weren’t suitable but was suitable for the other?

Apply for both. Please be mindful both programmes have the same deadline. The applications will be going through separate selection processes with different selectors. 

Q. As someone who is interested in both Strength In Numbers and Rainmakers Aotearoa is it possible to be chosen for both programmes? 

It is it is possible to be chosen for both. If we genuinely think there’s a compelling reason being accepted for both programmes would be considered.  

Script to Screen, in partnership with Compton School, is proud to be once again delivering Strength in Numbers. Through this programme, practitioners will develop the tools they need to build a sustainable and profitable business in the screen industry. 

Led by Australian screen business expert David Court the programme is delivered through a series of workshops held in Auckland, and online over 7 months. During this time, participants will delve into key aspects of their business, which include decision processes, finance, strategy, and business structures.  

Ideal applicants will have a screen industry business (at least three years old) with a slate of projects, be emerging to mid-career, and possess a proven track record demonstrating considerable talent and tenacity in their field. This opportunity is equivalent to a $10,000 investment in your business, and we anticipate up to 8 businesses will be supported.  

Past participants of Strength in Numbers have helped shape the screen industry and have become a part of New Zealand’s most loved and successful screen projects, from commercials to feature films.   

2024 Application Dates: 


The programme will be delivered in two, two-day intensive workshops and three half-day online sessions from November 2024 to May 2025. The programme comprises of a mix of instruction, interactive discussion, case studies, guest speakers, peer feedback and a personal one-on-one session with David Court. 


  1. COMING TOGETHER IN A CREATIVE ENTERPRISE: In a creative enterprise a group of people must come together and, trusting in each other, spend months or even years working on a project – a project that is also a business. Finding the right structure is essential, one that binds the team and rewards them for the work they do and the risks they take. Strength in Numbers participants will explore some of the innovative business structures creative people have used to work together successfully.
  2. STRATEGIC CHOICES IN CREATIVE LIFE: In creative life we are defined, for better or worse, by what we make. The right project can propel a career forward; the wrong project can slow or stop it. Choosing what to make is therefore strategic. In this topic participants will study the elements of project choice. We will look at the movie greenlight process, the writers’ room and other methods of harnessing the ‘wise crowd’ in project selection.
  3. UNPACKING THE CONTENT ‘BLACK BOX’: Content is a ‘black box’, a puzzle with many parts. Creators must unpack the box and find a way to distribute the risks and rewards, the property rights and the creative possibilities. In this topic we work at solving the puzzle.
  4. GROWTH STRATEGIES: Growth is about focus, not doing more of the same. We explore four proven strategies using the flywheels of brand, talent, money and information to grow your business past its current limits. And discover how they compare and why they are mutually exclusive.
  5. THE WAY AHEAD: Few businesses stick to the plans they make. Yet a plan is a narrative – the story a business tells to attract and engage with customers, partners, employees and investors. It’s also a way of thinking things through – what matters, where the opportunities lie, where the focus of the business should be. In this topic, participants will learn the elements of business planning.
  6. ELEMENTS OF THE PITCH: Pitching is a core skill in creative industries. It’s necessary to attract the resources – time, money and effort – required for the work. And it’s necessary too when it comes time to build an audience for the work. In this topic, we teach the elements of the pitch – narrative, clarity, confidence, and engagement.


Dates of delivery: 

Applicants need to be available for all dates of the programme. 

Travel and accommodation costs for participants who live outside Auckland will be covered as part of the programme. 

Please read the application requirements before you apply. 

Strength in Numbers is run by Script to Screen in partnership with Compton School.  

Strength in Numbers is possible thanks to generous support from Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga the New Zealand Film Commission. 

Strength in Numbers is focused on building sustainable businesses in our screen industry. Selected filmmakers participate in a series of workshops led by David Court. The programme offers a unique opportunity for practitioners in the screen industry to work together on the building blocks of business models that will sustain their future and ultimately shape the industry itself. Selected participants will have a proven track record that demonstrates considerable talent and tenacity in their field and are the primary decision maker(s) of their screen industry business, that has been in active operation for at least three years.   

2024 Application Dates: 

  • Applications open Monday 5th August 2024 
  • Information Webinar: 5 PM, Monday 19th August

    Read application FAQs 
  • Applications close: 1 PM, Monday 16th September 

Applicants will be notified WE 14th October 

Who is eligible? 

  • Screen practitioners with a slate of projects and a screen industry business that has been in operation for at least 3 years  
  • Producer, Director, Writer (Can be any combination) 
  • Emerging to mid-career experience level 
  • You must be a NZ citizen or permanent resident to apply. 
  • Applicants must be the primary business decision maker(s)

What you’ll need to submit:  

  1. One paragraph biography about you as a screen practitioner (100-150 words) 
  2. A statement about why the Strength in Numbers programme would be beneficial to you and your business at this time. Why are you and your business ready for growth and development now? (200-400 words)  
  3. A statement about what you would like to get out of the programme. (200-400 words) 
  4. A list of two to three projects you have in development, what stage they are at, along with a one-paragraph synopsis or logline for each project.  
  5. Links to prior work (up to your two best) 
  6. Your screen CV

Please copy and paste all answers from a separate document into the application form so you don’t lose your work.  

Dates of delivery: 

  • November 22 & 23 – all day workshops in Auckland 
  • February 14 – 1/2 day online session 
  • March 21 – 1/2 day online session 
  • April 16 – 1/2 day online session 
  • June 6 & 7 – all day workshop in Auckland 

One-on-one meetings will be held between the last two workshops. 

Applicants need to be available for all dates of the programme. 

Travel and accommodation costs for participants who live outside Auckland will be paid for as part of the programme. 


Script to Screen is delighted to announce the 12 participants selected for Strength in Numbers – Growth 2022. They will participate in a series of workshops run by Script to Screen and led by David Court of Compton School.

Strength in Numbers offers a unique opportunity for practitioners in the screen industry to work together on the building blocks of business models that will sustain their future and ultimately shape the industry itself. Participants are given the time and tools they need to make strategic choices for their creative enterprises and plan the way ahead.

Three experienced industry practitioners including course leader David Court read each of the 46 applications, taking into consideration the applicant’s track record and the stage the business is at when making their selection. Of the 10 screen businesses selected three are from Wellington, one is from Christchurch, another from Marlborough, and the remaining five are Tamaki Makaurau based.

Strength in Numbers is made possible thanks to financial support from the New Zealand Film Commission and an Auckland Council Regional Arts and Culture Grant. Screen Auckland provides a workshop venue and Screen Canterbury covers travel costs for the Cantabrian participant.

The 13 participants and their businesses selected for Strength in Numbers 2022 are:


Strength in Numbers is a Script to Screen initiative run in partnership with Compton School.





Script to Screen is proud to be partnering with Compton School once again to deliver Strength in Numbers – a programme designed to teach screen practitioners about growing a sustainable and profitable business while doing the work they want to do.

Strength in Numbers offers a unique opportunity for screen practitioners to work together on the building blocks of business models that will sustain their future and ultimately shape the industry itself.  The programme aims to cultivate a super-smart community of businesspeople in the screen industry that support each other over time, which is especially important for filmmakers who often work in isolation.

Run by Script to Screen, and led by Australian screen business expert David Court, Strength in Numbers comprises a series of workshops that arms participants with the tools they need to build a sustainable business in the screen industry.  The programme is for screen practitioners with a slate of projects and a screen industry business already underway and will be delivered over several workshop days held in Auckland and online in the first half of 2022.

Selected participants will be emerging to mid-career, and have a proven track record that demonstrates considerable talent and tenacity in their field.

To encourage screen practitioners from the regions to apply we have support from some of New Zealand’s regional offices: Film Otago SouthlandFilm DunedinFilm Queenstown Lakes and Screen Canterbury.

Past participants of Strength in Numbers are creators behind many of our most loved and successful screen projects Coming Home In The Dark, The Justice of Bunny King, Creamery, Kura, The Panthers, Savage, Bellbird, James & Isey, Reunion, Jojo Rabbit and Loading Docs.

“Strength in Numbers is an exceptional course that dramatically altered the way I look at my business. The programme not only provides great business tools but also shifts mindsets when it comes to growth. I cannot recommend it highly enough.”

– Orlando Stewart producer of Bellbird

What you’ll need to submit: 

  • One paragraph biography about you as a screen practitioner
  • A statement about why Strength in Numbers Growth would be beneficial to you and your business at this time
  • A statement about what you would like to get out of the Programme.
  • A list of two to three projects you have in development along with a one-paragraph synopsis or logline for each project and what stage they are at.
  • Links to prior work (up to your two best)
  • Optional: Your screen CV

Applications Open: Mon 20 Sep 2021
Applications Close: Mon 01 Nov 2021, 1pm.

Dates of delivery:

  • February 21 & 22 – Workshops in Auckland
  • March 22 – 90-min online session
  • April 26 – 90-min online session
  • May 9 – Workshop in Auckland
  • June 27 – Workshop in Auckland
  • One-on-one meetings will be held between the last two workshops.

Travel costs for participants who live outside Auckland are covered.

Preview the Full Application Form

Learn more about previous participants

Strength in Numbers is made possible thanks to generous support from the New Zealand Film Commission and Auckland Council– Regional Arts and Culture Grant.


and New Zealand Regional Film Offices; Film Otago SouthlandFilm DunedinScreen Canterbury and Film Queenstown Lakes.


We’ve made some changes to the roll-out of our high-end intensive development programmes for 2021. So if you are a filmmaker planning to apply to FilmUp, Story Camp or Strength in Numbers in 2021 make sure these dates are on your radar!

All of our high-end, contestable programmes are open nationally and take place in Auckland. Travel will be covered for selected participants from outside of Auckland. Due to COVID-19 and current New Zealand government border restrictions, all applicants must be residing in New Zealand at the time of applying.

All programmes are contingent on funding.

FilmUp is a nine-month professional development programme for practising writers, directors and producers. It supports and empowers up to eight emerging to senior practising filmmakers selected each year to further develop a project and participate in group workshops. Throughout the programme, each participant receives 20 hours of mentorship with an esteemed industry mentor, participates in group work & round tables, and receives wrap-around support.

Applications Open: Early May 2021
Applications Close:  Mid June 2021
Group Workshops Held: from August 2021 – April 2022


Story Camp Aotearoa
Story Camp Aotearoa is a residential feature film lab that fosters craft, voice and vision. Eight selected screenwriters or creative teams workshop their projects with exceptional international and local advisors in a rigorous five-day experience designed specifically to meet the development needs of a feature film.

Applications Open: Early July 2021
Applications Close: Mid August 2021
Residential Lab: Five Days in Late November


Strength in Numbers
Strength in Numbers is focused on building sustainable businesses in our screen industry. Selected filmmakers participate in a series of workshops over a 5 to 6 month period. The programme offers a unique opportunity for practitioners in the screen industry to work together on the building blocks of business models that will sustain their future.

Applications Open: Late September 2021
Applications Close: Early November 2021
Group Workshops held: from February 2022 – June 2022



Image: Story Camp 2020. Credit: Evie Mackay Photography

Script to Screen is delighted to announce the 14 participants selected for Strength in Numbers 2020.

Strength in Numbers is a programme that gives participants the time and tools they need to create business models that will sustain their future in film. These models are the building blocks of new ways of financing, distributing and collaborating that will ultimately shape the industry itself.

Three experienced industry practitioners including course leader David Court  (Executive Director of Compton School) read all of the applications taking into consideration the participants, their business, and projects in development when making their selection. However, with 55 applications and many of them very strong, it was a difficult task.

David Court said “this was a very strong field. Clearly, there are many producers wanting to grow their business. We would have taken more participants if we could have”.

“Initially we set out to select 12 participants”, said Jackie Dennis Executive Director of Script to Screen, “but we had two business co-owners wanting to attend together and we could see the benefit of this, so Script to Screen increased participation to 14”.  Of the 12 screen businesses participating three are from Wellington, one is from Christchurch and the remainder are Auckland based.

The programme is made possible thanks to Screen Wellington and Screen Canterbury covering travel and accommodation costs for the participants from their region, Screen Auckland providing a workshop venue, and financial support from Auckland Council’s Regional Arts and Culture Grants Programme and the New Zealand Film Commission Strategic Training Fund.

The 14 participants and their businesses selected for Strength in Numbers 2020 are:


Script to Screen is proud to be partnering with Compton School once again to deliver Strength in Numbers – a program designed to teach screen practitioners about growing a sustainable and profitable business while doing the work you want to do.

Run by Script to Screen, and led by Australian screen business expert David Court, Strength in Numbers Growth comprises a series of workshops that arm participants with the tools they need to build a sustainable business in the screen industry.  The programme is for screen practitioners with a slate of projects and a screen industry business already underway and will be delivered over several workshop days held in Auckland January to September 2020.

Strength in Numbers offers a unique opportunity for early to mid-career practitioners in the screen industry to work together on the building blocks of business models that will sustain their future and ultimately shape the industry itself.  The Programme aims to cultivate a super-smart community of business people in the screen industry that support each other over time, which is especially important for filmmakers who often work in isolation.

Selected participants will have a proven track record that demonstrates considerable talent and tenacity in their field. They will become part of Script to Screen’s alumni network. This network supports further collaboration and strengthens connections.  To encourage screen practitioners from the regions to apply we have support from some of New Zealand’s regional offices: Film Otago SouthlandFilm DunedinScreen CanterburyScreen WellingtonTairawhiti TVFilm Bay of Plenty.

Strength in Numbers’ inaugural year saw ten creators of many of our most loved and successful films (including Hunt For The Wilderpeople, Boy, The Dark Horse, Love Story, Three Wise Cousins, Waru, Vai, and Loading Docs) brought together to focus on building sustainable businesses.

Preview the Strength In Numbers Application Form

What you’ll need to submit: 

Applications Open: Mon 21 Oct
Applications Close: Sun 1 Dec, midnight
First Workshop: Early Feb 2020


Strength in Numbers is made possible thanks to generous support from the Auckland Council– Regional Arts and Culture Grant,  New Zealand Film Commission.


And New Zealand Regional Film Offices; Film Otago SouthlandFilm DunedinScreen CanterburyScreen WellingtonTairawhiti TVFilm Bay of Plenty and Waikato Film Hub. Thank you to Screen Auckland for providing our workshop venue.



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