Script to Screen’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy


Our aspiration: Our screen stories and the people who create them reflect the rich diversity of the people of Aotearoa, and the Te Tiriti o Waitangi foundations of our nation

Our purpose: Script to Screen supports New Zealand screen practitioners to tell exceptional stories that reflect who we are.

Our principles:

What we do to achieve our aspiration:




 Disadvantaged Groups – Due to the interconnected nature of race, gender, class and ability some people experience greater discrimination or disadvantage than others

Diversity - the differences between people, their characteristics, attributes and backgrounds, and the perspectives they bring.

Equity - fair outcomes for individuals belonging to diverse groups, achieved by addressing the barriers each of these groups face.

Inclusion - the ongoing exercise of valuing diverse groups by creating safe, welcoming and collaborative environments in which everyone can fully participate and thrive.

Tangata Tiriti – non-Māori people of New Zealand

Tangata Whenua – indigenous Māori people of New Zealand

Te Tiriti o Waitangi – Treaty of Waitangi

Underrepresented – Māori, Pacific peoples, Asian communities, Middle Eastern, Latin American and African, women and those identifying as female, gender diverse, LGBTQIA+ communities, disabled people, people living outside of Auckland and Wellington, people below the age of 30 and above the age of 60. This definition is based on research sourced by the NZFC that looks at representation in key roles (Director, Writer, Producer) in both film and television.