COVID-19 Update as at 25/08/20.
Covid-19 Level 3 Restrictions in Auckland means Hamish Bennett will no longer be able to travel to Wellington to present this workshop. We are pleased to say that educator and script consultant Gavin McGibbon is stepping in to present a workshop on what it takes to build a screen story that connects with people.This means the Wellington Workshop will go ahead but with some safety precautions in place. There are only a few tickets left so if you no longer wish to attend, please request a refund through Eventbrite to make your place available for someone else. See below for more information and instructions.
The Foundations of Story and Character with Gavin McGibbon
Great stories create an umbilical cord between the screen and the audience, where we feel everything that the character does.
This one day workshop will look at the elements we need to consider as writers to build that level of engagement with our own stories, through writing exercises, viewing and discussing scenes. We will look at a wide range of aspects of story and character from how we hook an audience from the first moment they meet our protagonist to ensuring that our stories don’t run out of momentum.
To gain the most out of the workshop, please come with a film concept in mind.
Don’t miss this interactive and practical workshop that will help you navigate through the complexities of writing a feature film.
Sat 29 Aug 2020, 9am – 5pm
Where: Drama 3, Te Whaea National Dance & Drama Centre, 11 Hutchison Road, Newton, Wellington.
Who it is for: All levels of writing experience – emerging to established filmmakers. The workshop will largely refer to the feature film format, but will be valuable to those developing shorts, features and series.
Cost: General Admission $23 (incl. GST). Tickets via Eventbrite.
What to Bring: Pen and paper. Tea and Coffee will be provided. There are plenty of cafes in the area to buy lunch.
Gavin McGibbon until his recent return back to New Zealand, was the Programme Leader of the MA Screenwriting programme at Liverpool John Moores University. He has taught playwriting at Victoria University of Wellington for the International Institute of Modern Letters, where he also worked as an MA Supervisor on Ken Duncum’s MA Scriptwriting Course. Students that Gavin has taught have gone on to win numerous awards for their writing and are currently working on major television shows in the UK.
Gavin has also worked for the New Zealand Film Commission, the New Zealand Film School, Massey University, Victoria Continuing Education and he is a freelance script consultant.
Gavin has a very different take on scriptwriting and what it takes to build a story that connects with people. He doesn’t believe in formula – he believes in craft meeting art, and using that combination to create an engaging, emotional journey for an audience.
COVID-19 Alert Level 2 Update
As Wellington is at Alert Level 2, there are some important things to note:
- Record-keeping for contact tracing is required for all attendees so please scan the Te Whaea’s QR code clearly placed at the entrance of the venue on the COVID-19 tracer app. If you arrive late please, ensure you check in with the Script to Screen representative. You will be asked for your full name, phone number and email address.
- The room will be set up to ensure participants are socially distanced during the workshop, and we encourage you to keep a 1-metre distance from people you don’t know at other times, where practical. We also encourage you to wear a mask.
- We will no longer be providing food at this workshop. Tea and coffee will be provided, however, please observe social distancing at the tea and coffee stations. You are of course able to bring your own water bottles and snacks with you.
- As always, practice good hygiene – frequently wash your hands with soap and water and cough and sneeze into your elbow. Use the hand sanitiser provided.
Do not attend the workshop if you are feeling unwell, are a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19, waiting for a COVID-19 test result or are self-isolating.
These workshops are made possible thanks to generous support from New Zealand Film Commission, Creative Communities Wellington and our venue sponsor Te Whaea National Dance and Drama Centre.