We have decided to reschedule the South Shorts Webinar due to the Auckland premiere of Tinā being held at the Civic Theatre on Tuesday 11th February 2025.
Script to Screen is committed to supporting the craft and culture of screen storytelling and we encourage you to support New Zealand cinema and attend if you are available. It’s going to be great!!!
The South Shorts Script Mentorship programme continues to support new and emerging screenwriters from South Auckland and aims to enhance the screenwriting capabilities of these filmmakers.
We understand that applying for opportunities, talking about yourself, and sharing your ideas can be difficult. This may even be your first time applying for a programme like South Shorts and that, in itself, can present obstacles. To reduce application anxiety and encourage more submissions, we are holding an online webinar. This webinar will walk through each question in the application, allow time for questions, as well as give insight into the opportunities and content that the mentorship programme will provide. This year we will also be accepting video applications to help expand the accessibility of our application process.
Don’t know where to begin? Here are a few ideas that might help to get you started:
- Before putting together your application, write your initial idea down freeform/ stream of consciousnesswithout allowing time to think. It’s often useful to set a time limit. This can be a great way to get the idea on paper for the first time
- Try a ‘voice to type’ programme
- Get a friend to help read over your application
- Proof read your application. Revisit before submitting and pretend you’re a selector. Ask if you have explained things so that its clear for someone who is coming to your idea for the first time
- Make a checklist- Have you fulfilled all the entry requirements. eg. Have you outlined the story? Have you described the characters, and the world? Have you explained why you want to tell this story? etc.
Remember you can submit a video instead of this written approach.
Script to Screen recognises the enormous creative potential in South Auckland, and we encourage you to get in touch if you have any questions or need help with the application process.
The South Shorts Mentorship Programme is made possible thanks to generous support from Foundation North.