Script to Screen is proud to be partnering with Compton School once again to deliver Strength in Numbers – a program designed to teach screen practitioners about growing a sustainable and profitable business while doing the work you want to do.
Run by Script to Screen, and led by Australian screen business expert David Court, Strength in Numbers Growth comprises a series of workshops that arm participants with the tools they need to build a sustainable business in the screen industry. The programme is for screen practitioners with a slate of projects and a screen industry business already underway and will be delivered over several workshop days held in Auckland January to September 2020.
Strength in Numbers offers a unique opportunity for early to mid-career practitioners in the screen industry to work together on the building blocks of business models that will sustain their future and ultimately shape the industry itself. The Programme aims to cultivate a super-smart community of business people in the screen industry that support each other over time, which is especially important for filmmakers who often work in isolation.
Selected participants will have a proven track record that demonstrates considerable talent and tenacity in their field. They will become part of Script to Screen’s alumni network. This network supports further collaboration and strengthens connections. To encourage screen practitioners from the regions to apply we have support from some of New Zealand’s regional offices: Film Otago Southland, Film Dunedin, Screen Canterbury, Screen Wellington, Tairawhiti TV, Film Bay of Plenty.
Strength in Numbers’ inaugural year saw ten creators of many of our most loved and successful films (including Hunt For The Wilderpeople, Boy, The Dark Horse, Love Story, Three Wise Cousins, Waru, Vai, and Loading Docs) brought together to focus on building sustainable businesses.
Preview the Strength In Numbers Application Form
What you’ll need to submit:
- One paragraph biography about you as a screen practitioner
- A statement about why Strength in Numbers Growth would be beneficial to you and your business at this time
- A statement about what you would like to get out of the programme.
- A list of three projects you have in development along with a one-paragraph synopsis or logline for each project and what stage they are at.
- Links to prior work (up to your two best)
Applications Open: Mon 21 Oct
Applications Close: Sun 1 Dec, midnight
First Workshop: Early Feb 2020
Strength in Numbers is made possible thanks to generous support from the Auckland Council– Regional Arts and Culture Grant, New Zealand Film Commission.
And New Zealand Regional Film Offices; Film Otago Southland, Film Dunedin, Screen Canterbury, Screen Wellington, Tairawhiti TV, Film Bay of Plenty and Waikato Film Hub. Thank you to Screen Auckland for providing our workshop venue.