Rainmakers Aotearoa Application Requirements

Rainmakers Aotearoa is a brand new mentorship programme from Script to Screen. It will harness the knowledge of a generation of exceptional individuals and enable the transfer of this knowledge to the next generation of screen sector changemakers.

Mentee candidates can be from above or below the line or from across the value chain of content production, for example but not limited to producers, filmmakers, actors, heads of department, post-production supervisors, agents, lawyers, insurers, accountants and film agency executives and many others.

Key dates:  

  • Applications open: Monday 5th August 2024 
  • Information Webinar: 5 PM, Monday 19th August

    Read application FAQs 
  • Applications close: 1 PM, Monday 16th September 2024 
  • Shortlist Interviews: Tuesday 22nd October (All Day)  


  • You must be a NZ citizen or permanent resident to apply. 
  • Emerging to Mid-career 

Mentee candidates can be from above or below the line or from across the value chain of content production, for example but not limited to:  

  • Producers 
  • Filmmakers 
  • Writers 
  • Actors 
  • Cinematographers 
  • Heads of department 
  • Post-production supervisors 
  • Agents 
  • Lawyers 
  • Insurers 
  • Accountants 
  • Film/ screen agency executives  
  • Composers  

What you’ll need to submit: 

  1. One paragraph biography about you as a screen practitioner  (100-150 words )
  2. A statement about why being part of the Rainmaker Aotearoa programme would benefit you (200-400 words)
    Could include:
    Your creative and business ambitions
    Short, medium and long-term career goals
    An explanation of why you are ready for this opportunity
  3. A statement about what you would like to get out of being mentored by a Rainmaker (200-400 words)
  4. Your relevant experience/screen CV
    Could include:
    Links to prior work (up to your two best) if applicable
    Evidence of your previous work in the screen sector
    List of projects in development 

Shortlisted individuals will then have a 20-minute interview before the final selection is made. 

What/who we’re looking for:
Ideal candidates will display the below characteristics 

  • High energy 
  • Productive 
  • Connection 
  • Ambition 
  • Smart 
  • Innovative 
  • Good collaborator 
  • Make things happen 
  • Willing to participate alongside a cohort of likeminded individuals from NZ and Australia. 
Apply Here



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