Script to Screen welcomes eight new filmmakers who have been selected for the tenth South Shorts Mentorship Programme!  

Over the next six months, the participants will embark on an incredible journey of development once again led by acclaimed screenwriter and director Briar Grace-Smith (Rūrangi, Cousins, Waru).  

During this time, the participants will take part in five group workshops that will include script read-throughs, group discussions, writing exercises, and insightful sessions with guest filmmakers. By the end of the Programme, the filmmakers will have produced a polished script.  

Filmmakers who go through South Shorts leave better equipped to take the next steps towards production. The sense of community and support that comes from being a part of South Shorts is a big part of the Programme and the Script to Screen team look forward to supporting them every step of the way.  

The success of South Shorts alumni demonstrates the power of mentorship and the boundless potential in the South Auckland community. 

Congratulations to these eight selected filmmakers:
(pictured left to right) 

The South Shorts Mentorship Programme is made possible thanks to generous support from Foundation North.

Script to Screen, in partnership with Film Otago Southland, are thrilled to announce the participants for this newly created development opportunity, Southern Pilots.   
The 3 selected teams exemplify the high calibre of applications we received from new and emerging filmmakers in the region. This Southern Pilots development programme offers both talent and project development. The teams will have one-on-one advisor sessions and hear from industry speakers over a three-day workshop held in Ōamaru in June. The intent is to bring these series projects to a point where they will be compelling for producer partners and funders.   
Southern Pilots kaupapa is to help creatives from Otago and Southland generate IP for local and international audiences. This will, in turn, increase activity in both regions and foster a strong creative network of screen practitioners.   
We thank all the filmmakers who applied and congratulate the participants who have been selected. 

The 3 teams selected for Southern Pilots:  

The Southern Pilots development programme is made possible thanks to funding from the New Zealand Film Commission.

Kōpere Hou Fresh Shorts is an New Zealand Film Commission initiative run in partnership with Script to Screen.

Today we are thrilled to announce the talented filmmaking teams selected for this year’s Kōpere Hou Fresh Shorts. Three outstanding teams are poised to bring their creative visions to life with the support of development resources and a grant from the NZFC of $30,000 per team.

Kōpere Hou Fresh Shorts garnered significant attention this year, with a staggering 119 applications received. After careful consideration, twelve exceptional projects made it to the shortlist and advanced to Whiringa Tuarua – Stage Two. Despite facing tough decisions, we are proud to announce our final three selections.

“We extend our sincere appreciation to all the teams for their dedication and creativity throughout the application process,” says Jackie Dennis, Executive Director of Script to Screen. “The exceptional quality of submissions made the selection process both inspiring and challenging. For those whose projects weren’t selected, we encourage you not to be discouraged. Your passion and talent shine through, and we genuinely hope to see many of these captivating projects brought to life in the future.”

The writers, producers, and directors of the chosen teams will receive support to refine their stories, visions, and production plans. Through tailored workshops and guidance from experienced advisors, they will embark on a transformative six-week journey to enhance their projects’ potential for success.

This year’s selected projects promise a rich tapestry of storytelling, spanning across horror, animation, and drama genres. We congratulate the talented team members hailing from Auckland, Wellington, and Canterbury, whose distinct voices will enrich the already amazing collection of New Zealand’s short films.

The three selected teams and their projects are:

Kōpere Hou Fresh Shorts is a New Zealand Film Commission initiative run in partnership with Script to Screen.


Script to Screen is delighted to award the creators of eight projects intensive development time at Story Camp Aotearoa 2024. Story Camp is a residential feature film development lab that fosters craft, voice and vision, with a programme designed to meet the development needs of each writer and project. Over the week, the participating writers and their collaborators workshop their feature film projects with exceptional local and international advisors. 

This year, Script to Screen received 66 applications. Three experienced independent practitioners underwent a rigorous marking process, compiling a shortlist of 17 and ultimately selecting the eight projects to be developed at Story Camp in May.  

The selectors were intrigued, moved, surprised, and made to laugh by the stories submitted and said it was a privilege to enter the writers’ worlds and walk in their characters’ shoes. We thank and value all the filmmakers who took the time to apply for this opportunity.

Script to Screen is excited by the depth and breadth of the work selected and looks forward to supporting the filmmakers to take their work further. 

Congratulations to the filmmakers whose feature film projects will be developed at Story Camp Aotearoa 2024:
(Teams pictured from left to right) 



Story Camp is made possible thanks to funding from the New Zealand Film Commission.

Eligibility Criteria  

Q: Where can we seek external (objective) advice on whether we are emerging or mid-career filmmakers?
A: As this programme is funded by NZFC, we are using their career level descriptions. You can contact to seek more nuanced advice. 

Q: Does living in central Otago count?
A: You must have your current permanent residence in either Otago or Southland to take part in Southern Pilots.  

Q: Do you have to have a director attached? Can it be Writer / Producer duo?  
A: The team does not have to have a director attached, it can be a Writer and Producer duo. 

Q: Do you have to have a producer attached? Can it be Writer / Director duo?  
A: The team must have a producer attached. 

Q: Does the cultural consultant need to be based in the area?
A: Only the key team members Producer, Writer and Director need to be based in the Otago Southland Region. The cultural consultant does not need to be based in the area, but if there is a suitable consultant in the region it would be good to use them.  

Q: We are working on a series that must be shot in Dunedin but only 1 of the team is Otago based, the others Wellington / Auckland but no longer live in the city. Does that mean we are not eligible for this initiative?
A: Correct, the Wellington / Auckland team members are not living in Otago or Southland right now, so this teams project would not be eligible. A priority of the programme is to foster and develop local talent living in Otago or Southland.  

Q: Does the project need to be set / shot in Otago and/or Southland?
A: No, but preference will be given to projects either set in Otago and/or Southland or will be shot in Otago and/or Southland. 


Project Content/Duration 

Q: Is a one-hour drama suitable?
A: There is no minimum or maximum duration for the Southern Pilots projects, but duration should suit the experience level of the team and meet the requirements of the intended platform. 

Q: The application called for 5-10 pages of sample script. Can a full episode be given?  
A: The selectors will only be reading 5 pages for a series 30mins or less, and 10 pages for series greater than 30mins.  

Q: Are there any genres that are a focus for this initiative, e.g. comedy, horror, etc.
A: All genres will be considered.  

Q: Are selectors looking for any specific content? E.g. highlighting rural NZ issues, as an example. Or is it anything goes?
A: The selectors have no preconceived ideas about what they want. They will be looking for the best ideas. Preference will be given to projects that are set in Otago and/or Southland or will be shot in Otago and/or Southland. 

Q: Are there any objections to target audience type with content containing drug use/nudity/expletives 
A: No, as long as it is suitable for, and can be found by the proposed audience. 

Q: Will animated series be considered?
A: Yes, animated series will be considered. Information about where the animation would take place will be an important part of an application for animated series.  


Other Questions 

Q: If a story isn’t ready for this year, is Southern Pilots likely to be a regular event? 
A: Southern Pilots is reliant on funding. We cannot know, at this time, if we will successfully achieve funding in the future, but we would like to run the programme again. Please join our mailing list to receive notifications of future announcements.  


Q: Does the team of Writer, Director, need to contracted to the Producer?
A: We highly recommend the IP holder has a Letter of Understanding or a Development Agreement in place with each member of the team if the team do not hold the IP jointly. Please read the NZWG’s Best Practice Guide, in particular the Tools For A Strong Start.

Linked below:


Q: Submitting your documents. What to Submit? 
A: You must attach one document (no more than 10 pages) as a PDF answering all questions 1-9. Your script sample of 5-10 pages must be uploaded and attached as a separate PDF.   



Script to Screen, in partnership with Film Otago Southland, launches an exciting new development opportunity called Southern Pilots, for Otago and Southland based screen creators.

Script to Screen and Film Otago Southland are looking for new and emerging filmmakers with compelling, bold series story ideas suitable for development and viable for future production. Southern Pilots offers both talent and project development for three teams. The teams will have one-on-one advisor sessions and hear from industry speakers over a three-day development workshop, which aims to create outstanding pitch documents to present to potential producer partners and funders. 

Southern Pilots kaupapa is to help creatives from Otago and Southland generate IP for local and international audiences. This will, in turn, increase activity in both regions and foster a strong creative network of screen practitioners. 

Key Dates:

12 February: Applications open now
19 February: 5:30 pm application information webinar. Read FAQ’S Here
18 March: 1 pm applications close
21-23 June: 3-day workshop for selected teams



Script to Screen will manage the application and selection process and design and deliver the development workshop. We have a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy that informs our work. Southern Pilots uses the NZFC definition for new and emerging filmmakers.

Please contact the team at Script to Screen, for any further questions. 

This development programme is possible thanks to funding from the New Zealand Film Commission.



Script to Screen and Film Otago Southland are looking for new and emerging filmmakers with compelling, bold series story ideas suitable for development and viable for future production. Southern Pilots offers both talent and project development for three teams. The teams will have one-on-one advisor sessions and hear from industry speakers over a three-day development workshop, which aims to create outstanding pitch documents to present to potential producer partners and funders. 

Southern Pilots kaupapa is to help creatives from Otago and Southland generate IP for local and international audiences. This will, in turn, increase activity in both regions and foster a strong creative network of screen practitioners. 

Key Dates:

12 February: Applications open now
19 February: 5:30 pm application information webinar. Read FAQ’S Here
18 March: 1 pm applications close
21-23 June: 3-day workshop for selected teams

Application Requirements: 

A PDF document of up to 10 pages, with the following information:



Script to Screen will manage the application and selection process and design and deliver the development workshop. We have a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy that informs our work. Southern Pilots uses the NZFC definition for new and emerging filmmakers.

Please contact the team at Script to Screen, for any further questions. 

If you are a new or emerging filmmaker with a connection to South Auckland, don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to advance your screenwriting abilities in 2024.

During this six-month mentorship programme, successful applicants attend a series of one-day hubs and are led through focused script development under the guidance of Briar Grace-Smith. Briar brings considerable experience and knowledge to the room for group mentorship, and each participant also gets one-on-one feedback. The hub days involve script read-throughs, writing exercises, and hearing from guest speakers about their experiences making films. On completion of the programme, you will leave with new skills and tools to develop your work, a great new network of like-minded practitioners, and a completed short film script.

This initiative is intended for people who live in South Auckland or are connected to the South Auckland community – maybe you grew up there, have whānau there, or feel connected to the community in some other way. This opportunity will help you to develop your story, share your unique perspective, and develop your career as a screenwriter within a supportive framework.

Applications for the 2024 South Shorts Mentorship Programme are open now.

Opens: Wednesday 7th February 2024
Closes: 1:00 PM Monday 25th March 2024
Notification of outcome: Early May 2024

“South Shorts has helped me with overcoming writers block and given me the confidence to present my ideas in a safe creative space. The connections I have made throughout the hubs are life changing and extremely valuable for my career moving forward. I would highly recommend these workshops to any filmmaker out there looking to develop their ideas and build connections with fellow likeminded creatives.”
– Kaitiaki Rodger, South Shorts 2023 Participant 

To apply you will need to submit: 
  • Short biography (300-word limit)
  • Why would this programme be valuable to you? (300-word limit)
  • Summarise your connection to South Auckland
  • Short film logline (One to two sentences summarising your short film concept – what and who is it about?)
  • Synopsis of your short film idea (600-word limit)
  • Script or written document for your short film idea (optional)
  • Must be connected to South Auckland
  • Aged 17+  


Briar Grace-Smith is of Ngā Puhi descent and a writer of short fiction, stage plays and feature films. Her plays include Ngā Pou Wāhine, Purapurawhetū and When Sun and Moon Collide. She is an Arts Foundation Laureate and was recently made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to film, television and theatre. She has worked as a Development Executive for the New Zealand Film Commission and taught ‘Writing for Theatre’ at IIML (2015). Briar is a Sundance alumni and the writer of the feature films The Strength of Water and Fresh Meat. Her television credits include Fishskin SuitBeing EveKaitangata Twitch and the Australian children’s television series, Grace Beside Me (2017). She was a director and co-writer of the short film, Nine of Hearts, and wrote and directed Charm for the feature project Waru (2017). She collaborated with Toi Whakaari, directing Krystal, a short film by Josephine Stewart-Te Whiu. She was the screenwriter and co-director of the feature film Cousins, and is a writer and co-director of Rūrangi, Series 2. Briar was made a member of the Directors branch of the Academy in 2022.

This programme is reliant on funding being achieved. Applicants will be informed of the funding outcome prior to the South Shorts submission deadline on the 25th of March.

The South Shorts Mentorship Programme is made possible thanks to generous support from Foundation North.



12 teams and their projects have been shortlisted for Kōpere Hou Fresh Shorts and they have all accepted their invitation to apply for Whiringa Tuarua – Stage Two. Script to Screen and Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga New Zealand Film Commission thank all the filmmakers who applied for Whiringa Tuatahi – Stage One.  

As part of overall budget cuts, NZFC funding for short films has been reduced. You can read more about this in the NZFC December newsletter.   

Subsequently, Kōpere Hou Fresh Shorts 2023/24, has shortlisted 12 projects and 3 films will go on to be funded. The development process for the funded teams will remain the same, with a two-day workshop in June and follow-up mentorship as they work towards production.

The shortlisting was a rigorous and scrutable process. “Each application was read by 3 assessors, and they considered the story, the director’s vision and the team’s ability to complete the film. The assessors took it very seriously and long discussions were had to arrive at these 12 projects. Sadly, many excellent and worthy projects did not get through” says Jackie Dennis Executive Director of Script to Screen.   

The genres of the shortlisted projects range across comedy, drama, thriller, horror, historical and neo-noir and include live action and animation. The teams hail from Canterbury, Wellington, Bay of Plenty and Auckland. Three of the projects are re-submissions from previous years.  

We now have great pleasure in announcing the projects and teams shortlisted for Whiringa Tuarua – Stage Two of Kōpere Hou – Fresh Shorts 2023/24. 

Congratulations to: 


Image: Lea Tupu’anga/Mother Tongue Photo by Ralph Brown – © Run Charlie Films

Script to Screen and Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga New Zealand Film Commission
work in partnership to deliver the Kōpere Hou – Fresh Shorts programme.

Film Otago Southland and Script to Screen are excited to announce a new regional scripted TV series development programme for Otago and Southland-based filmmakers which will be taking place in 2024.

SOUTHERN PILOTS will take three teams through a development and mentoring programme to create a series bible and pitch deck for digital platforms. The selected teams will receive structured tuition and individual mentoring. At the completion of the programme, these projects will be pitched to industry stakeholders to attract series production funding.

Through Southern Pilots we aim to help creatives from Otago and Southland to generate IP aimed at local and international audiences. This will, in turn, increase activity in both regions, foster a strong creative network of film practitioners and provide a platform for our talented and dedicated local filmmakers to thrive.

This mahi has been made possible thanks to funding from the New Zealand Film Commission.

More details to come in early 2024.

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